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All Scotland's
children will thrive

Our vision is for a sustainable Scotland where our children and young people can play, learn and thrive outdoors.

Coming soon

Our brand new website is currently under development and will launch in late Summer 2023. In the meantime, take a look at some of our most popular resources below.

Scotland's Play Ranger Toolkit

Scotland's Play Ranger Toolkit

Scotland’s Play Ranger Toolkit has been developed by Thrive Outdoors, in collaboration with a number of Scottish charities who use the Play Ranger model throughout their delivery of outdoor play provision.

Loose Parts Play

Loose Parts Play Toolkit

In this edition, we have tried to reflect the changing context. Loose parts for play are a more familiar sight, but their introduction is still providing a learning and development experience for adults and organisations, as much as for children.

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Out to Play

This document is a step-by-step guide providing practical advice on how to access outdoors spaces, including land or forest areas owned by local authorities, private landowners or national bodies (such as the Forestry Commission and Scottish Natural Heritage) to create safe, nurturing and inspiring outdoor learning experiences.

Podcast - Outdoor Play IS the Way

Thrive Outdoors’ podcast aims to share best practice and connect practitioners by bringing you a new guest every month from the Outdoor Play and Learning Sector.

National Position Statement: Outdoor Play and Learning

In 2018, we brought together a broad group of academics and organisations from education, childcare, healthcare, environment and government to create Scotland’s Outdoor Play and Learning Coalition.

The Coalition created a bold position statement which committed signatories to working together to embed playing and learning outdoors as an everyday activity and a fundamental part of growing up in Scotland.

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Inspiring Scotland is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in Scotland, No. SC342436, and a registered Scottish Charity, No. SC039605