Get involved
Keen to support more children and young people to play, learn, and thrive outdoors?
You are in the right place!
As a programme of Inspiring Scotland, Thrive Outdoors exists to harness the collective power of its stakeholders, be that individuals, public and private sector organisations, trusts and foundations, charities, research institutes, local authorities, and government. Here are some of the ways you can support the vision of a sustainable Scotland where children can play, learn, and thrive outdoors. Act today!
Donate, fundraise or sponsor
Our unique position at the centre of the outdoor play and learning sector, ensures we can effectively utilise and distribute resources for maximum scale, reach and impact.
Sign the National Position Statement
Join over 100 organisations at the forefront of change in our sector and become a signatory, to embed outdoor play and learning in everyday life for every child in Scotland.
Collaborate with us
Collaboration is key to enable all children and young people to play, learn, and thrive outdoors every day.
Collaborate with us
Supporting the work of Thrive Outdoors is a great choice for businesses who want to partner with us through their CSR programmes to make a lasting difference to the lives of children, young people, and their families across Scotland.